Supported Living

Supported LivingPlease note this service is currently unavailable, and we're working towards it.

Supported living services are a priceless benefit for some of our clients and can make all the difference in allowing them to feel independent and live in the community safely. Unfortunately, some of us cannot respond to the impulse to live freely.

The level of support a client will need will entirely depend on their abilities, and we can work closely with the client and their family to provide strategies that suit those needs. We can provide live-in, sleep-in, or simply a pop-in service to check on a client and ensure everything is ok and if they need assistance.

For clients moving in to their first home of their own it can be both exciting and a nervous experience. Families of clients will always do their best to support their loved ones but in these busy times it’s not always that easy.

Providing specialized care

With our in-home care services, we provide a customized regimen of care that focuses on individual needs and personal environments. Some of these special care conditions include:

  • Special needs care

Specialized care

A Caregiver is someone who is compassionate, reliable, knowledgeable, and most importantly, trustworthy.

Rafiki Healthcare leads the industry in finding the absolute best Caregivers to provide seniors with assistance at home, giving their families peace of mind.

how can we help you?

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